Event Calendar

Events subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, follow us on Instagram, Facebook, or sign up for our newsletter!

Support Finn’s Place by attending our annual Gala located at the Pool

Community Hours

  • Community Hours are a time for the community to use Finn’s Place. You can do the listed activity or simply use the space as you see fit!

  • Featured activities are things that the staff member will provide support for or include an item that isn’t always available (etc. Nintendo Switch)

  • Finn’s Place always has some art supplies, board games, books, and snacks. If you are looking to complete a specific project or attempting to play video games on a day besides the first Monday of the month, you might need to bring your own supplies.

    Art supplies at Finn’s Place includes yarn, paint (both watercolors and acrylic), button makers, sewing machines, canvas, paper, markers, and pencils.